He was born in 1982. He is an actor, singer, multi-organist musician and a songwriter for more than 20 years and has a long year experience in performing for vulnerable groups of people.
He has created children’s songs for theatrical plays performed in children’s hospitals but also counts several personal albums containing songs about human fate, beauty, love, existence, freedom.
Since 2015 he has been performing for vulnerable groups of people in hospitals, elderly homes, child protection facilities, psychiatric clinics, etc. and implementing music and art programs for children with autism, people with mental disorders, infants in emergency units, cancer patients, in cooperation with music therapists, art therapists, actors, social workers, psychologists etc.
He has invested his time in seminars and training programs concerning: music therapy (GIM), Waldorf pedagogy, physical theatre, adult education, people with dementia and more.
He is also a Business Management graduate and has worked as an HR executive in non-profit organizations training several volunteers and workers on the implementation of art in demanding healthcare environments. He is the co-founder of «Hope Art».

Vasilis Panagiotidis